Mission: Having a world that is based on justice and peace with special focus on vulnerable persons particularly children and women.

Approach: Promoting public participation particularly participation of the educated population in social policies and national and religious celebrations and traditions for improving the social condition in communities.

Governing values: Promoting altruism as the main key of all religions; equality in human rights despite race, color, religion and gender; equal opportunities in education and healthcare and enjoying basic rights by children; comprehensive approach to the society.

For fulfilment of its mission, Imam Ali Society, has selected the strategy of using national and religious traditions in Iran and other countries and making them compatible according to the needs of the society for reducing social problems. This approach has been an innovation in the field of social reforms.

Imam Ali Popular Students Relief Society is known to be the first smart social organization in Iran. Smart social organization means that the organization sees the society as a whole, the components of which interact with each other. This means that when a problem is identified in the society, it could be stemmed from places which had no direct role in creating this problem. For instance, when an adolescent commits a crime, it might stem from incorrect education he has received during his life hence addressing the issue of education would indirectly reduce the criminal rate in the society.

Imam Ali Popular Students Relief Society tries to address social problems and their roots, providing temporary solutions in emergency cases and defining reformative and preventive measures in long term.

Another term that compliments the first definition of a smart organization is how the organization provides services and how it interacts with donators and volunteers on one side and the persons in need and people involved with troubles in the society on the other side. This interaction works in a way that any person as any part of his or her activities in the Society could, as one part of the whole society, choose his or her activity or the service they are providing and even the person who receives the service and follow up and track the process until it is completed. This kind of interaction builds trust among the donators. On the other hand, members of the Society participate in events which suit them best and eventually this smart structure and presence of donators and members of the Society not only results in solving the problems of the families of the Society, but also will help recognize the problems in the society in a helpful manner.

Professional Objectives of Imam Ali Society

Supporting needful children and women is the most important professional objective of the Society. This popular organization has always made its responsibility to protect the rights of these groups which are amongst the most vulnerable groups in the society. The main objective of the Society is to help these two groups, empower them and bring them out of the needfulness cycle. The Society continues to support the members, upon their request, until they reach the highest level of flourishing.

Imam Ali Popular Students Relief Society has focused on the following objectives:

  • Conducting research and providing solutions on social problems including “delinquent children; runaway children; street children and child labor; deprived and needful families; women who are head of household; children with severe and chronic diseases and their families for reaching a higher standard of living”;
  • Promoting thoughts and practices of Imam Ali and those closest to God and social reformers that reflect altruism; holding symbolic events for national and religious celebrations and traditions across the whole country and in other countries;
  • Providing financial and spiritual aid for those in need and empowering them;
  • Promoting the culture of charity and altruism in a universal level;
  • Providing rescue services in the event of natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes in any part of the world; and
  • Defining acceptable standards on the manners, amounts and places of providing these services.